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Fishing Derby 2024
Saturday July 6, 2024 - Free Fishing Day in Ontario (no license required)
9:00am - 3:00 pm.
Friends of Oak Lake Fishing Derby
1. Open to all FOOL Members and families
2. The date was chosen so that we take advantage of “Family Fishing Opportunities” without having to purchase a fishing licence (as defined on page 7 of 2022 Fishing Ontario Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary)
3. There will be two classes of entry: (1)Junior Class - those 16 and under and (2) Senior Class - those over 17. There is only one category this year, resulting in two prizes, one for each class.
4. Entry fee will be $5.00 per person at registration.
5. All fish entered must be caught on a boat or from shore with at least one FOOL Member. It is not necessary for every person on the boat to be a Member.
6. This year on our first derby there is no fish species categories—only the longest fish!
7. Registration will occur between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. on the dock of John Brewster.
8. BAIT: no “live” or “prepared” bait is allowed-only artificial lures.
9. No trolling using combustion engine-only a trolling motor or equivalent.
10. Fish are to be kept either in a live well or bucket of water, the objective being to release back into the lake as quickly as possible after catching and recording of the catch.
11. All fish are to be caught in a legal sporting manner on a rod and reel. Only one rod may be used per contestant with every cast and retrieve completed before another cast is made.
12. Winning fish will be determined by length using the supplied Rapala Bump Board and camera. The judge will measure the fish in the presence of the entrant
13. After measuring and recording, the fish will immediately be released back into the lake.
14. Fish will be placed flat on its side on the bump board with the mouth of the fish touching the front of the bump board. The measurement will be taken with an invisible line drawn from the tip of the tail points.
15. The fish may not be manipulated in any way, do not bend/squeeze/extend the fish to make it longer. The entrant is allowed to hold the fish on the bump board.
16. The fish must be alive with the eyes visible and if they appear to be cloudy/glazed or in any way signal a dead fish, the fish will be disqualified.
17. All lengths will be confirmed by the judge.
18. In the event of a tie breaker, the fish first submitted will be the winner
19. Prizes will be from High Falls Outfitters, the sponsor for this event.